We are always working to be ready for the next land purchase opportunity.
Our current goal is to protect the Puntledge Forest.
The Puntledge Forest
In March 2023, we succeeded in protecting 24 hectares of forest along the Puntledge River. Now we are looking to protect the other 76 hectares! This forest is on BC Hydro’s property on both banks of the Puntledge River just below Comox Lake – sometimes locally referred to as the Bevan Trails area.
It’s important to note that while the land is owned by BC Hydro, rights to the forest are owned separately by way of a Timber Reservation registered on title. The owner of the remaining 76 hectares of Timber Reservation is Comox Timber (managed by Manulife Investment Management Timber and Agriculture Inc.). Manulife recognizes that the area holds significant value to the local community, and they continue to be a willing seller.
Most of the forest reservation is approximately 120 years old, and it includes many ecological communities and species at risk, and includes habitat for the endangered Puntledge River summer Chinook.