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Our Conservation Science and Research Program assists in the protection of species and ecosystems at risk in the Comox Valley. Our current efforts focus on bat research, monitoring, education, and outreach as the North Island Chapter of the BC Community Bat Project.
Community bat research and monitoring in the North Island/Comox Valley is co-led by the Comox Valley Land Trust and the Cumberland Community Forest Society. This is a volunteer, citizen-science effort to determine how bats use important natural habitats. We use ultrasonic bat monitoring equipment to “listen” to the bats to determine where they are located, and which species are present. The data is then used to understand which areas are important to at-risk bat species, helping determine conservation priorities. The data is also provided to the North American Bat Monitoring Program, contributing to a continent-wide data set. In the summer months, we also count bats as they fly out of known roost sites as part of the BC Annual Roost Count program. This requires a lot of volunteer effort each year, so please consider joining us! Or hear the latest news by following us on Facebook at the Cumberland Bat Project.
We conduct regular speaking events about bats, and provide educational information at schools, events, and in the media.
If you wish to volunteer or to request a presentation, email us at [email protected].
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