COMOX VALLEY NATURAL CLIMATE SOLUTIONS FUND Our planet’s future has reached a critical moment: we have exceeded critical thresholds due to climate change. Science shows that natural climate solutions based on the conservation, restoration, and management of forests, grasslands, and wetlands can deliver up to a third of the global emission reductions [>>]
Cumberland Bat Project
CUMBERLAND BAT PROJECT Our community bat program started when both the CVLT and Cumberland Community Forest Society (CCFS) were actively engaged in fundraising to acquire important habitats in the headwaters of Morrison Creek and around Perseverance Creek. Both organizations are well aware that confirming the presence of species at risk can help [>>]
Cumberland Community Forest
CUMBERLAND COMMUNITY FOREST CVLT has been involved in protecting parcels of sensitive land in the Cumberland Community Forest since 2005 and we have worked hand-in-hand with the Cumberland Community Forest Society, the Village of Cumberland, and the Comox Valley Regional District on these important acquisitions. Our first covenant here was in [>>]
qax mot Conservation Area
The headwaters of Morrison Creek are a top-priority for conservation in the Comox Valley. The expansive, undeveloped wilderness oasis provides habitat for an extraordinary diversity of wildlife.
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Private Conservation Covenants
If your property is ecologically significant and you want to see it protected in perpetuity, please contact us. CVLT currently protects five ecologically significant private residential properties with conservation covenants throughout the Valley. Read More
Tsolum River Commons
In 2016 the owners of the property donated the land to the CVLT who has in turn leased it to the CVRD as a public park. The property protects important fish habitats, riparian areas, and mature forests, which contribute to the health of the greater Tsolum River ecosystem.
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Brian & Sarah McLoughlin Park
The McLoughlin Gardens drought resistant flora was designed to blend in with the native ecosystems of the northern Strait of Georgia. The property was donated to the CVRD as parkland with a conservation covenant held by the CVLT.
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Hurford Hill Nature Park
This 10.7-hectare park is home to many native plant and animal species, provides a critical link along the Valley View Greenway, and protects important salmon spawning and rearing habitats in Glen Urquhart Creek.
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